Several Factors That Affect Sealing Performance—Surface Roughness
Surface roughness has a very import influence on the life and leakage performance of a reciprocating. The functional realiability and service lifr of a seal depend to a very great extent on the qualRead more -
Several Factors That Affect Sealing Performance—Fluids
Hydraulic cylinder normally use mineral-base oils or biodegradable, environmentally friendly ones. The features seach fluid type are usually weighed by the manufacture and the end user, depending on tRead more -
Several Factors That Affect Sealing Performance—Speed
Seals shall primarily withstand operating pressures, temperatures and speeds and offer compatibility with given fluids. Moreover they shall feature good wear resistance properties. In order to ensureRead more -
Several Factors That Affect Sealing Performance—Temperature
The Change of temperature is one of the key factors that affect the sealing performance and the service life of sealing parts. Low temperature will make polyurethane or rubber seals freeze and becomeRead more -
Several Factors That Affect Sealing Performance—Pressure
Too high pressure values combined with excessive fitting clearance values between rod/head and liner/piston are the main cause of seals deterioration due to extrusion in the medium run. Resulting in fRead more -
Seals Technical Overview
Hydraulic cylinder is a liner actuator, which converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy to push the load into linear motion. Accodring to the function and application of the cylinder, it can beRead more -
Sealing Material and Its Characteristics
To determine the most suitable seal for a specific application, the material choice is for certain one of the most importane issues and perhaps thhe most complex one, due to the variety of polmers curRead more